This 4 song split is a sloppy, weirdo punk rock freakout. If this is your first time hearing Launcher, than you’ll be pleasantly surprised to feel like you’re at some 80’s hardcore show transplanted to the east coast. You know that song by The Freeze, ‘It’s Only Alcohol?’ Launcher heard this song and said, ‘let’s make a band like that with an angry, nasaly singer.’ The Freakees, on the other hand, sound like a West Coast Hank Wood and the Hammerheads with a little bit of LA’s Le Face thrown into the mix. The guitar and bass are all over the place, the vocals are heavily processed through a reverb of some sort and the drums are surfy as fuck. Cool split from two new So. Cal. upstarts.
(NFT/ 2019)
Dieser Artikel wurde am Montag, 18. März 2019 im Shop aufgenommen.