The Gaggers were formed in 2009 by Terminal Gagger on lead vocals and bass (The Botox Rats, Shanghai Wires, Disco Lepers) and Dagger Gagger on guitar and vocals (The Blow-Outs, The Seminals, The Hateful) with Busy Signal on drums.
Their aim was to re-ignite the energy, urgency and danger in real punk rock. The style is late’70’s rock ‘n’ roll influenced by the Jabbers, Dead Boys, Pagans,Heartbreakers and Eater with throat-slashing guitars and razor-sharp vocals. The Gaggers came to attack.
They released a couple of singles all over the world that went in and out of print in the blink of an eye.
"Rip You Off" is a singles collection with all this rare tracks!
Side A
1 Psychosomatic
2 Rip Hear Apart
3 Bored Of You
4 Nothing To Me
5 Two Fingers Down My Throat
6 Got No Time
Side B
1 Razor Scars On My Heart
2 Can´t Control My Eyes
3 Down On You
4 Gimme No Love
5 Outta Your Mind
6 Don´t Care
7 You Ain´t No Fun
- with downloadcode and poster
100 x black vinyl
100 x yellow vinyl
100 x yellow with blue splatter vinyl
(Wanda Records/ 2013) Kunden aus dem EU Ausland, USA oder sonstigen Teilen der
Welt die nur diese Platte bestellen wollen melden sich bitte bei: Das Porto beträgt nur 4,00 EUR.
Dieser Artikel wurde am Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013 im Shop aufgenommen.