Razors In The Night is an American oi!/hardcore band from Boston, MA that formed in 2009. Featuring 11 songs, both new and a few classics rerecorded better than ever, Never Give In! continues to build upon the reputation of Razors In The Night being one of the tightest and catchiest skinhead hardcore bands on the scene. This amazing record in this truly stunning, die-cut gatefold package is a release not to be overlooked and will no doubt help start 2014 off with a bang.
(Contra/ 2014)
1. Doored
2. By Your Side
3. Verbal Pollution
4. Out Of Touch
5. Our Will Be Heard
6. Basement Brigade
7. My Boots Are Red
8. FTW
9. Alcoholocaust
10. The Streets
11. Hate LA
12. Frustration
13. Never Give In
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 17 June, 2014.