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Alternate versions of classic Dwarves songs played live in studio 2000. Hyped frenetic tempos. Standout tracks include Follow Me, Speed Demon, Dominator & Surfing the Intercourse Barn. Originally first released in 2001 on Reptilian Records, new 2025 artwork! 16 tracks (without intro), Surfing the Intercourse Barn taken from the book "Armed To The Teeth With Lipstick" by Blag Dahlia and Marc Rude. The 2000 live in studio DWARVES were Blag Friday, Gregory Pecker, HEWHOCANNOTBENAMED, Rex Everything & The Fresh Prince Of Darkness. Reissue now with new comic sleeve art.
(Greedy/ 2025)
A1 Dominator
A2 Way Out
A3 Let’s Fuck
A4 Anybody Out There?
A5 Astroboy
A6 Fuck You Up And Get High
A7 Follow Me
A8 Saturday Night
A9 Act Like You Know
B1 Speed Demon
B2 Satan
B3 Fuck 'Em All
B4 Drugstore
B5 Detention Girl
B6 Dairy Queen
B7 Surfing The Intercourse Barn
This product will be in stock on Friday 11 April, 2025.