Once in Boston, there were thousands of college students, bike messengers, waiters, dishwashers, short-order fry cooks, mechanics, dope dealers, prostitutes, hangers-on, and part-time hustlers, who sat around on traffic islands and played rock music from shitty stereos in what seemed like it was an infinite amount of free time. It wasn't, because now that time is gone, and it wasn't even then. But there was time to bullshit about exquisite subtleties of difference between power pop bands only those on the traffic island knew. There was time to collect change from those who had dug it out of the crevices of the furniture they had dragged in off the street, where it had been deposited by friends who slept there the night before. There was time to count the change at the register of the liquor store, because the people waiting in line behind us had change to count too. And there was time to bring the beer back to the traffic island where our friends were waiting, playing the same songs again. Now it seems like that time in Boston is gone, and Berlin might have that time. The Roxies play music for that time.
(DIY/ 2019)
This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 12 December, 2019.