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-- TV Smith - Sparkle In The Mud 1979-83 CD
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TV Smith - Sparkle In The Mud 1979-83 CD
Sparkle In The Mud: Unreleased Songs and Demos Volume One: 1979-1983. The best things sometimes come to those who wait and this is the one that fans of TV SMITH have been waiting for. Following the demise of THE ADVERTS, TV SMITH continued to demo and write songs alongside his work as TV SMITH AND THE GREAT EXPLORERS, as well as solo album "CHANNEL 5", which up until now have been unheard. Now, as part of the acclaimed Boss Tuneage Retro Series, "SPARKLE IN THE MUD" compiles 21 of these previously unreleased demo recordings, with a staggering 16 songs appearing for the very first time. To all intents and purposes, these recordings represent the "lost" TV SMITH albums from the early 80's. A unique collection from
one of the punk legends, this is simply essential listening.
(BossTuneage/ 2010)
01. Be Brave
02. Parade
03. The Impossible Person
04. Impulse Buy
05. Open Up Your Heart
06. Break Up The Party
07. Wheels Out Of Gear
08. Carrying On
09. People Don't Know
10. Beautiful Bomb
11. New Ways Are Best
12. Get It Off Your Mind
13. Today
14. New Discoverers
15. Downbeat
16. Make
Your Escape
17. Losing You
18. Wedding Dress
19. Land Of Plenty
20. My Trojan Horse
21. One Of Our Missiles
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Model: CD1239
This product was added to our catalog on Friday 30 April, 2010.
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