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"Hairway To Steven" was rleased for the first time in 1988. "Hairway to Steven" is a blast, ranging from the blood-smeared guitar-overload of "Jimi" to the acoustic guitar-based sing-along sweetness of "I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas" to the Fugs-like ranting of "John E. Smokes." Yet somehow, the album managed to get the straight media to actually notice. For all its strangeness, "Hairway" got rave notices in places that had never paid the band any attention previously. It was the Buttholes" last album of the "80s and marks the beginning of their ascendance into something akin to commercial success. Not that the band actually imagined anything at all like that occurring.
(Matador/ 2024)
A1 Jimi
A2 Ricky
A3 I Saw An X-Ray Of A Girl Passing Gas
B1 John E. Smoke
B2 Rocky
B3 Julio Iglesias
B4 Backass
B5 Fart Song
This product will be in stock on Friday 20 September, 2024.